Help to spread the word!

Hi everyone!

I humbly request to you, my readers and followers, to give a few of  your precious minutes to read this.

I, Taekan, ask you to help me once again with my project!

As some of you may know so far, I’m running a Patreon to help me continue doing translations all day, everyday. Like I mentioned on Discord and here as well, this is practically a full-time job, I don’t have a “real job” ever since I started translating series (basically last real job ended in February 2018).

The finances aren’t running good. We are just three here in my home and only 1 of us has a stable job. My brother hasn’t been able to secure one :c

In case you’re wondering, my possible salary if I were working a full-time job would be around $650. Yup, that’s what a Technician earns per month here. I don’t live in the capital, so it’s even less depending on the company/entity.

And well, that amount is pretty much my final goal on Patreon. I won’t deny that it would be amazing if I ever hit that number, it would definitely help me to do this without having to worry everyday if I’ll have to look for a real job.

Because that’s how I actually feel now :c I don’t want another of my dreams to shatter again…


I know this may sound too much.

But I have no choice if I want to dedicate myself to this like I’ve been doing ever since I started translating.

I would be saved of such “sad destiny” if  I’m able to reach the first goal of my Patreon by the end of this month. And then to keep growing, if I truly deserve it, of course.

The only ones I can count on are you guys D:

If you can help spread the word about my site and my Patreon on fan sites and the like, it would be amazing.

And it would be more than a blessing if you were to become a patron.


I sincerely appreciate your time for reading this.


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